Type: Vague Order
Origin: Wish, Like (secondary?)
Creator: Alicia Bell
Suitable Element: life, light, water, lightning, ice, air, nature, earth, fire*, dark, death
*The only case, but other Elements were suspected to also be eligible for this Vague Order.
A Vague Order hypothesized to only occur when the Court Wizard has 100% loyal maneg in composition as the only case claimed to have used a disgusting 30% of loyal maneg to be formed.
Creates an entity out of loyal maneg with the appearance based on what the Court Wizard likes.
The first case was from Alicia Bell in which the [Avatar], named ‘Voice,’ took the form of a pixie. And despite being a part of the Court Wizard’s actual soul, it is completely separate from its master with its stark different personality.
But in truth, it was because she embodied ~Access denied, requires Amelia Ricken’s Maneg Soul signature~ and so other [Avatar]s could show similar cases.
Type: Order
Command Class: Formation
Creator: Unknown
Typical Time Interval: 2-3
Suitable Element: life, water, lightning, ice, air, nature, earth, fire, death
One of the first Orders created. It forms a shield of any shape to block the incoming attack.
Typical Order: form x shape x size, lock*, reinforce
*Optional as some Maneg Souls know that it should defend its location.
Type: Order
Command Class: Formation
Creator: Unknown
Typical Time Interval: 3
Suitable Element: light
One of the first Orders created. It forms a circle with a minimum thickness that emits a beam of intense light from the specified side of the circle in which the light travels in a circular manner according to the size of the circle formation. More light maneg can be ordered to increase the intensity of the beam of light.
Typical Order: form circle x diameter x position, emit in x side, increase intensity by x
Type: Order
Command Class: Creation
Creator: Unknown
Typical Time Interval: 2-3
Suitable Element: lightning, ice, air, nature (beast), earth, fire
One of the older Orders created. It is an Order which creates a blade attached to an existing object. The Order was created so because back then, Soul Weavers maneg users weren’t able to describe the grip properly.
Typical Order: create cuboid x length x width x height bottom attached to x, sculpt top three-sided prism x height, *any Command specific to Element that could enhance its effectiveness*
Burning Fist
Type: Order
Command Class: Coating
Creator: Thomas Bell
Typical Time Interval: 3-6
Suitable Element: fire
An Order created by the first Bell patriarch due to his inability to order [Burn] properly. It was passed down to each generation of the Bell family of Court Wizards. The Order coats the user’s hands and feet, or any part of the body, with fire maneg that was ordered to attach a lump of fire maneg to any object in contact in any shape and is set to oxidize to produce a brighter flame, damaging enemy further.
Typical Order: coat set trigger x body part, coat set trigger x body part, …, coat set trigger x body part, trigger: on contact attach form x shape x size, oxidize
A non-lethal version of this Order was developed by Alicia Bell as she was not permitted to kill by her father, Ronald Bell. This version instead forms a hollow sphere to entrap foe oxidize nearby oxygen to cause asphyxiation to knock them unconscious, though it could still kill if formation is ended too late. The formation is also set to not transfer heat so as to not burn the enemy instead.
Typical Order: coat set trigger x body part, coat set trigger x body part, …, coat set trigger x body part, trigger: on contact attach form hollow sphere x diameter, do not transfer heat, oxidize inner formation
Type: Progressive Order/Memorized Order
Command Class: Covering
Creator: Daisuke Fujiwara
Typical Time Interval: 6
Suitable Element: light
A product of the accidental discovery of the fact that white light maneg could be dispersed into the colors that made the white color. It’s the basis for future discoveries by Amelia Rickens, who later developed a better version of this Order based on refraction.
One maneg of this Order scans and emits on each surface of the maneg the color and intensity based on what it scanned directly behind it, creating some form of camouflage.
Typical Order: cover set trigger entire body except eyeballs, disperse, trigger: upon position change scan color and intensity of first contacted object except air and body perpendicular to all angles of maneg, save scan to each perpendicular back surface part of maneg from contacted surface part of scan, emit saved color, change intensity to saved intensity
Note: due to no changeable variables (x), it can be used as a Memorized Order. Incidentally, the Order does not cover eyeballs but covers the eyelids allowing full camouflage when the Court Wizard closed their eyes.
Type: Progressive Half-Order
Command Class: Formation
Creator: Darcassan Erith
Typical Time Interval: 1~∞
Suitable Element: dark
Used in conjunction with Darcassan Erith’s Personal Skill, ‘Shadow Teleportation’. ‘Shadow Teleportation’ is a Rakarok-Earth World Merge magic spell that allows him to sink into a shadowy area and immediately rise to another location provided the shadowy area connects. [Carpet] forms a shadow underneath which Darcassan can sink into, and can be ordered to travel. Used in areas or times in which there is a lack of shadow such as in daylight.
Typical Order: form x shape x size x height above ground, travel x direction, travel x direction, …
Cherished Armament
Type: Vague Order
Origin: Like
Creator: Unkown
Suitable Element: life, light, water, lightning, ice, air, nature, earth, fire, dark, death
One of the first Vague Orders. Loyal maneg of a Soul Weaver Maneg User assimilates with a physical object which they cherished, hence the name Cherished Armament, and weaponize it, regardless of how harmless the object is.
Items eligible for the Vague Order can be heirlooms, keepsakes, or even Cherished Armaments of a perished Soul Weaver Maneg User. In regards to how Cherished Armaments are created, it is customary to name it after the reason that it become a Cherished Armament.
Trigger occurs when the Soul Weaver Maneg User is in an emotional moment that is relevant to the cherished object with the said object within their vicinity.
Court Wizard's Aura
Type: Special Order
Command Class: Unknown, hypothetically to be coating
Creator: Unknown
Typical Time Interval: Vary to each Court Wizard
Suitable Element: life, light, water, lightning, ice, air, nature, earth, fire, dark, death
Formerly known as [Soul Weaver’s Aura], it is considered a Special Order because it does not follow the normal trend of Orders as it uses a ‘traditional’ magical spell chant with each Element’s unique chant. Update: the chant appears to be unnecessary as Owen was able to activate it without the chant, unlike Hanz.
[Court Wizard’s Aura] orders disloyal maneg in the user’s Maneg Soul to appear in the physical plane and circulate beneath the skin, this causes the user’s body to glow to their Element Color, hence the name ‘Aura’. Under this Order, the delay on every Order given is reduced as it does the process of disloyal maneg exiting the plane of the Fantasy Law and then traveling from the user’s Maneg Soul to the user’s outer body before performing the Order beforehand.
Furthermore, disloyal maneg also permeates above the user’s skin, acting as a full-body shield blocking even the most powerful attacks from reaching the user with more disloyal maneg coming in to replace the destroyed ones. This, however, meant that it became a huge maneg drain on top of this technique is still an Order meaning the disloyal maneg still breaks off from the user.
This, however, was not how the ancient Soul Weavers Maneg Users used this Order.
In truth, the true [Court Wizard’s Aura], uses the Power of Ignorance, hiding the user in the Fantasy Law much like Orders being commandsed to ignore something. It is perhaps the true expression of it as it allows the user to phase through any attacks or obstacles, making it the ultimate defensive technique. It is what allowed the Soul Weavers Maneg Users to conquer all of the worlds they invaded as they would ultimately win every battle of attrition no matter what foe they faced as they could never get hurt by them.
So far, Hanz Huber and Owen Ruze are the only known Court Wizards who are able to use the disloyal version of this order.
Chant: ???
Deep Freeze
Type: Order
Command Class: Attachment
Creator: Owen Ruze
Typical Time Interval: 2
Suitable Element: Ice
Owen Ruze’s signature Order. Covers the body of an object with ice maneg and then lowers the temperature of the object by absorbing the heat energy of the object. This will turn the ice maneg used into fire maneg. The lower the temperature the more ice maneg required.
First Order Version: Attach to x body, coat x body, lower temperature of x body to x temperature
Typical Order: Attach to x body, lower temperature of x body to x temperature
Type: Catalyst Order
Command Class: Creation
Creator: ???
Typical Time Interval: ???
Suitable Element: lightning
An Order inscribed in a Catalyst that essentially acts as a drone. It is mostly used by the Transporter Room operators to have visual feed of a world. However, using this is pricy and so was used sparingly.
Type: Order
Command Class: Releasing
Creator: Unknown
Typical Time Interval: 1
Suitable Element: life, light, water, lightning, ice, air, nature, earth, fire, dark, death
One of the first Orders created. It ejects a mass of maneg out-of-body on a specific part of the body to launch the body using the momentum from the ejection.
Typical Order: Release x percent of maneg to launch on x
Elemental Ball
Type: Order
Command Class: Formation
Creator: Unknown
Typical Time Interval: 2
Suitable Element: water, lightning, ice, air, nature, earth, fire
One of the first Orders created.’Elemental’ is the unified name for [Waterball], [Lightningball], [Iceball], [Airball], [Grassball], [Ivoryball], [Earthball], [Metal Ball] and [Fireball]. It creates a spherical formation that launches to a target.
Typical Order: form sphere x diameter, travel x direction
Typical Memorized Order: form sphere x diameter by my right hand, travel in direction parallel to my right arm.
So Court Wizards only need to say: [*Element*ball] x diameter
Elemental Burst
Type: Order
Command Class: Bursting
Creator: Unknown
Typical Time Interval: 1
Suitable Element: water, lightning, ice, air, earth, fire
One of the first Orders created. ‘Elemental’ is the unified name for [Water Burst], [Lightning Burst], [Ice Burst], [Air Burst], [Earth Burst], and [Fire Burst]. A burst of maneg in a cone shape.
Typical Order: Burst in a cone x horizontal angle x vertical angle
Elemental Entrapment
Type: Order
Command Class: Attachment
Creator: Unknown
Typical Time Interval: 3-4
Suitable Element: water, lightning, ice, nature (flora), earth, fire
An Order created during the Eleven-Century War. A simple yet effective Order that attaches maneg to the target’s upper/lower extremities which then sculpts itself downward/upward to continuously inflict elemental suffering to the target with the maneg also forming inside them, trapping them completely.
This Order is similar to [Pillar] with the difference being that the maneg is attached to the target instead of the environment, thereby the only way for them to escape the Order is by cutting off the body part the Order attached itself to.
While [Elemental Entrapment] is the unified name for this Order, it does not correspond to each Element compatible like [Fire Entrapment], [Ice Entrapment], and so on. Rather, each Element compatible with this Order has its own unique name coined since the Eleven-Century War that is still used by Court Wizards today.
Amelia Rickens had trouble figuring out the universal name for these Orders with such vastly different names that [Elemental Entrapmet] was all she could come up with, as the maneg formation traps the target inside.
The names of these Orders are as follows:
Water: [Drown]
Lightning: [Electrocution]
Ice: [Freeze]
Nature (flora): [Sprout]
Earth: [Entomb]
Fire: [Burn]
Typical Order 1: attach to x, form x object minimal height, sculpt height upward, *whatever Command to enhance it
Typical Order 2: attach form x object minimal height to x, sculpt height upward, *whatever Command to enhance it
The reason for two common versions of the same Order listed is that ordering with the attach and form Command in the same step yields lower maneg cost while some Court Wizards preferred the extra Time Interval using the first version. Some Court Wizards do not even expend extra maneg if they separate the Commands into two steps and benefited from it.
Elemental Scan
Type: Order
Command Class: Scanner
Creator: Unknown
Typical Time Interval: 2
Suitable Element: life, light, water, lightning, ice, air, nature, earth, fire, dark, death
An Order which was the result of centuries of learning by the Mother Souls that the Order could be simplified with the Command ‘scan’. It scans signatures relevant to the Element over a perimeter highlighting the scanned target on the Court Wizard’s vision.
It was an ancient Order in which Soul Weavers Maneg Users of each Element named it after their own Element such as ‘Thermal Scan,’ ‘Life Scan,’ etc. and it was decided to keep these names. But the unified name [Elemental Scan] will be use for the archive.
Typical Order: scan x signature of x scale over x distance, return scan as x mark in vision
Type: Order
Command Class: Gathering
Creator: ???
Typical Time Interval: 2-3
Suitable Element: water, ice, air, earth, fire
An Order in which a concentrated amount maneg gathers at a single point of area. It will then spread out at all angles rapidly, creating an explosion up to a specified distance. If no blast radius is given, it will spread out up to the distance according to the amount of maneg used specified. If neither of the specifications is given, the Order will fail.
Typical Order: gather at x point, expand rapidly x distance, *any Command specific to Element that could enhance its effectiveness*