Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Owen’s Collection Memory 1: Before Five Years Ago

Azhure: After a long time…

Voice: It’s here! (more…)


Secret Nation Chronicles Pilot: The Fake Slave Trader 3

Azhure: Happy Chinese New Year, everyone. About the implication I said in the last part, I decided to have it be a written scene than just being told in this author’s notes. And because this part is getting too long, I decided to make it in part four.

Voice: Bruh!

Azhure: That said, the implication is teased a bit at the end of this part. Anyway, college is about to start again, and enjoy. (more…)


Secret Nation Chronicles Pilot: The Fake Slave Trader 2

Azhure: This is the second part of the Secret Nation Chronicles pilot story. I’m still not finished yet and there will be a third part which should be the last. After that, I can move on to Owen’s Collection.

Voice: Hey, Azhure! Don’t you have something else to tell!?

Azhure: Yes, as I write this I realized an implication. One that relates to the Eleven-Century War, but I’m discussing it after the third part as it will be relevant to it.

Voice: Seriously!? Fine! Then stay tuned, everyone! (more…)


Secret Nation Chronicles Pilot: The Fake Slave Trader 1

Azhure: This is going to be something new that I’m going to try under the Wizards of the Otherworldly Court Other Stories. It still takes place in the Wizards of the Otherworldly Court universe except there is little to no involvement of Court Wizard.

Voice: Except for one story!

Azhure: Yes, and it will be important to the history of the aforementioned Secret Nation. If you didn’t know, Secret Nation Chronicles will be a series of loosely connected one-shots, that may be split into multiple parts (which means it wouldn’t be a one-shot), surrounding the Secret Nation before its eventual reveal.

Azhure: It will be sparsely updated. After all parts of the pilot are finished, the next one-shot will only be done after book Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years is completed.

Voice: Anyway, here’s the description!

In the ashes of the Great War, the races of Erdale gathered together beyond the Forest of Demons and found a book.



Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Mid Collection Chapter S: Regarding Aqua Becoming the Fire Guardian

Azhure: I’m back and Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year.

Voice: Now here’s a big fat lore dump for ya!

Azhure: Hence the titling. (more…)


Archive Update #4: Alicia and Amelia Profile Update

I have updated the profiles of Alicia Bell and Amelia Rickens. Most of it are additional descriptions and some minor changes.



Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 10: To Each of Their Ends

Spiri Raia

Year 909

Year 1402 in Manegia

“Damn it, how did it come to this…” Van va Kirash, king of the Kirash Kingdom, sighed as he slumped into his chair, nursing his head with a frown. (more…)


Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 9.3: Moving in with the Illyers – Living In

Kaomagi Earth

Year 1999

Year 1402 in Manegia

“We are about to arrive at Bell manor, sir Ronald, lady Irene,” Liam, the former coachman, reported, stopping the car just in front of the intersection. (more…)