Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Mid Collection Chapter S: Regarding Aqua Becoming the Fire Guardian

Azhure: I’m back and Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year.

Voice: Now here’s a big fat lore dump for ya!

Azhure: Hence the titling. (more…)


Archive Update #4: Alicia and Amelia Profile Update

I have updated the profiles of Alicia Bell and Amelia Rickens. Most of it are additional descriptions and some minor changes.



Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 10: To Each of Their Ends

Spiri Raia

Year 909

Year 1402 in Manegia

“Damn it, how did it come to this…” Van va Kirash, king of the Kirash Kingdom, sighed as he slumped into his chair, nursing his head with a frown. (more…)


Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 9.3: Moving in with the Illyers – Living In

Kaomagi Earth

Year 1999

Year 1402 in Manegia

“We are about to arrive at Bell manor, sir Ronald, lady Irene,” Liam, the former coachman, reported, stopping the car just in front of the intersection. (more…)


Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 9.2: Moving in with the Illyers – Settling In

Azhure: One more sub-chapter of disconnected stories and we’re almost done with this Collection.

Voice: Hooray! (more…)


Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 9.1: Moving in with the Illyers – Thoughts

Azhure: I had no idea how am I going about writing this, hence the very late upload. (more…)


Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 8 Interlude: In the Otherworldly Court

Azhure: Got exams after this, so…

Voice: Stay tuned! (more…)


Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 8.5: Why They Cannot Return – The Great Sea

Azhure: College is getting hard and I decided to finish this chapter in one go, though there will be an interlude for this chapter after this. (more…)


Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 8.4: Why They Cannot Return – Greater Spirit Resolve

“What can I say, lady Aquarius. My brother the king needs help and the kingdom is threatened. I have the capability to solve it then I will do it. Simple as that.” (more…)


Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 8.3: Why They Cannot Return – Greater Spirit Lament

Spiri Raia

Year 905

Year 1398 in Manegia

First Greater Water Spirit Aquarius of Spiri Raia, commonly referred to by her fellow Greater Spirit as Aqua, observed in abject absentness the ashes of the Illyer mansion before her. (more…)