Alicia Chapter 13.7: Bell Branch Troubles – Confronting the Noble

Azhure: Alright, last one before the interlude after this. I’m in my last year of college and it’s already stressful.

Voice: Enjoy! (more…)


Alicia Chapter 13.6: Bell Branch Troubles – Meeting the New King

Azhure: A bunch of things happened like my country’s Independence Day and I’m mostly staring at the screen figuring out what to rewrite. Anyway, enjoy. (more…)


Alicia Chapter 13.4: Bell Branch Troubles – Terrible Plottings

Azhure: I just got off a cruise ship after college exams (last month was absolutely full), and I can’t believe how hard I tried to be dark and edgy in my high school years. (more…)


Alicia Chapter 13.3: Bell Branch Troubles – News Spread and the Dark Guardian

Azhure: The interlude’s fine, I’m not touching it. Also, it’s that time of the year again.

Azhure: I don’t know what to subtitle this sub-chapter.

Voice: At least it ain’t just ‘Conflict,’ ‘Conflict,’ ‘Conflict’! (more…)


Alicia Interlude 2: School Life 1

an: I literally have no idea on writing this interlude, I wanted to make a school chapter and then I was watching Cardcaptor Sakura and see the episode where there is a student fair and the Cinderella play with reversed gender roles and I was like ‘that’s it!’. (more…)