Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Mid Collection Chapter S: Regarding Aqua Becoming the Fire Guardian

Azhure: I’m back and Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year.

Voice: Now here’s a big fat lore dump for ya!

Azhure: Hence the titling. (more…)


(Lost Chapter) More About the Otherworldly Court 2: Naming Conventions Part One – Species

Read after book Alicia Chapter 11



Stories of the Otherworldly Court: The Bell Family of Cheapskates

Azhure: Read after book Alicia, though preferably after the upcoming next book. But since I wrote this before that, I’ll make sure not to spoil the next book.

Voice: But spoilers for book three, that’s not even being written yet!

Azhure: As of this story’s release.



(Final) Alicia Chapter 21.4: The Choice – I Decided

Azhure: And magically, I made what I planned to be a one thousand chapter, which was supposed to be a part of the previous chapter, and doubled the word count.



(Lost Chapter) Alicia Chapter 11: The Price of Loyal Maneg and More Court Wizards

A lavish room


A high-quality desk

Rotated 90 degrees, destroyed

An old man in noble-like clothing

A husk without its life

Beside, a robed one covered in the same shade as the earth with blood splattered over it

A little boy, crying

The robed one approached the little crying boy

It spoke

“Do you want revenge?”

The crying little boy is an angry little boy

The angry little boy nods

“I won’t let you.”


The dreamer woke up. Dream forgotten.



Alicia Chapter 20.12: The Awoken Dream to Test the Heart – Recollection

Azhure: This is it, the final part of this chapter. Thank you for reading thus far.

Voice: And now I will what you will do to her…

Azhure: Oh, and I noticed the plothole in chapter 11 due to changing Darc with Will which will setback this chapter until part 2, so I revised the former.

Voice: Huh..? Wait! You’re going to- (more…)


Alicia Chapter 19.5: A Ritual to be Grounded – True End of the War

Azhure: With this, my rewriting spree is over.

Voice: Hooray!

Azhure: After going over my notes, Owen’s Collection should be up and running in the foreseeable future.

Voice: Huh!? (more…)