Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 8.4: Why They Cannot Return – Greater Spirit Resolve

“What can I say, lady Aquarius. My brother the king needs help and the kingdom is threatened. I have the capability to solve it then I will do it. Simple as that.” (more…)


Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Chapter 8.3: Why They Cannot Return – Greater Spirit Lament

Spiri Raia

Year 905

Year 1398 in Manegia

First Greater Water Spirit Aquarius of Spiri Raia, commonly referred to by her fellow Greater Spirit as Aqua, observed in abject absentness the ashes of the Illyer mansion before her. (more…)


(Lost Chapter) More About the Otherworldly Court 2: Naming Conventions Part One – Species

Read after book Alicia Chapter 11



Alicia Post Chapter: Modules

Azhure: It is as it says, after the final chapter, anything after that are post chapters. This one gives you important lore around Fantasy Laws. Tomorrow will be the epilogue.



(Lost Chapter) Alicia Chapter 18: The Wanderer

an: I was on a trip and I do not bring my laptop with me so I couldn’t do the finishing editing, so I delayed it – I write on my phone. But this story will enter the ‘turning point’ because otherwise, it will not go anywhere. Also, Voice?

Voice: Yes, Azhure!?

an: Don’t be annoying, this chapter is not the time for your remarks.

Voice: What…!? Pfft… fine…!

an: p.s. This is the first time uploading on Saturday morning, in my place. I still have more stuff to fit in here.

Voice: Hey, Azhure!

an: What?

Voice: Why do you still use ‘an’ and not your alias!?

an: I did it in the beginning and I don’t feel like changing. I don’t want to change all the ‘an’ to ‘Azhure’.

Voice: Well, you can start now!

Azhure: Eh, sure.

Voice: That’s better!



(Lost Chapter) Alicia Chapter 16.1.5: Scientific Law and Fantasy Law, and Maneg

an: this will be an important piece of ‘science’ about maneg. Labeling it a More about the Otherworldly Court would mean some people skipping over this chapter as a ‘bunch of trivia’.



(Final) Alicia Chapter 21.4: The Choice – I Decided

Azhure: And magically, I made what I planned to be a one thousand chapter, which was supposed to be a part of the previous chapter, and doubled the word count.



(Lost Chapter) Alicia Chapter 7: Aqua, the Fire Guardian

Where do Maneg Souls come from? Why a bigger Maneg soul called Mother Soul of course. (more…)