Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Ronald’s Collection Memory 1: Meetings

Azhure: So here is the second story of Wizards of the Otherworldly Court. Enough said, enjoy.

Voice: And if you’re wondering about the title tags, check out the notes at the end of this Chap- er, Memory! (more…)


Stories of the Otherworldly Court: The Bell Family of Cheapskates

Azhure: Read after book Alicia, though preferably after the upcoming next book. But since I wrote this before that, I’ll make sure not to spoil the next book.

Voice: But spoilers for book three, that’s not even being written yet!

Azhure: As of this story’s release.



Weekly Report #6: Some Error

The website got an error and I had to roll back to a backup that only got to Alicia Epilogue. While I managed to restore them through manual backups, I…


(Lost Chapter) Alicia Chapter 14.1: Adventures in Manegia – Beginnings

an: we are finally in chapter 14, It’ll probably be shorter than the previous. I promise. I couldn’t think of any way to make this longer.


Alicia Post Chapter: Modules

Azhure: It is as it says, after the final chapter, anything after that are post chapters. This one gives you important lore around Fantasy Laws. Tomorrow will be the epilogue.
